Interface ITimelineCreator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ITimelineCreator
Timeline interface responsible only for CREATE operation.
Voicu Moldovan
  • Method Details

    • insertTaskMessage

      void insertTaskMessage(String action, Date date, Map<String,IValue> properties)
      Creates a new timeline entry that contains task data.
      action - Name of the action performed on task.
      date - The date when action is performed.
      properties - Additional properties that are specific to this action.
    • insertCaseMessage

      void insertCaseMessage(String action, Date date, Map<String,IValue> properties)
      Creates a new timeline entry that contains case data.
      action - Name of the action performed on case.
      date - The date when action is performed.
      properties - Additional properties that are specific to this action.
    • insertDocumentMessage

      void insertDocumentMessage(String action, Date date, Map<String,IValue> properties)
      Creates a new timeline entry that contains document data.
      action - Name of the action performed on document.
      date - The date when action is performed.
      properties - Additional properties that are specific to this action.
    • insertInOutMessage

      void insertInOutMessage(String action, Date date, Map<String,IValue> properties)
      Creates a new timeline entry that contains in/out message event data.
      action - Name of the action performed on message event.
      date - The date when action is performed.
      properties - Additional properties that are specific to this action.