Interface IResourceManager

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompositeResourceManager, DefaultResourceManager, FileResourceManager, FileSystemResourceManager, LinkedResourceManager, PackageResourceManager, RelativeResourceManager, ResourceManagerBase, UrlResourceManager

public interface IResourceManager
This class is responsible for locating resources which are residing in different protocols. Fallback mechanisms are supported, a returned resource is bound to a protocol. A protocol can be a classpath:, assembly:, or file:.
F. van der Meer, O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getResource

      IResource getResource(String path)
      Locates a resource specified by path. Path may contain a protocol prefix to specify that the resource should be located from a specific resource manager. This method will only return a result when the resource is available. When the resource manager can not locate the requested resource, an UnknownResourceException will be thrown.
      path - the path to the resource.
      A resource that will exist, exception otherwise.
      ResourceException - When the resource could not be retrieved from the resource manager.
    • getSupportedTypes

      String[] getSupportedTypes()
      Returns the supported protocol types.
      a list of supported types, which should never be null.