Class ApplicationDS

All Implemented Interfaces:
IReportingDS, IApplicationDS, IModuleDS

public class ApplicationDS extends ModuleDS implements IApplicationDS
Class to make sure multilangual elements have fallback behaviour defined for dialects. A dialect is a language with a code that consists of a language, a country and a variant, i.e. nl-NL-NB.
Jon van Leuven
  • Method Details

    • wrapDatasource

      public static IApplicationDS wrapDatasource(IApplicationDS datasource)
      This method wraps the datasource with a DialectFallbackDS when the original datasource contains dialect languages.
      datasource - The datasource that should be wrapped.
      The wrapped datasource or the original datasource when it does not contain a dialect language.
    • getProjectDS

      public IProjectDS getProjectDS()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method returns the data source that should be used to initialize the objects that are defined project wide and used by all modules in the project.
      Specified by:
      getProjectDS in interface IApplicationDS
      Data source providing the definitions of the global objects.
    • iterateModules

      public void iterateModules(IModuleVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method should iterate over all modules that are used by the application, and add a data source implementation for each of them to the visitor.
      Specified by:
      iterateModules in interface IApplicationDS
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the module data sources to.
    • getApplicationId

      public ApplicationID getApplicationId()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method returns the ID of the application.
      Specified by:
      getApplicationId in interface IApplicationDS
      the ID of the application.
    • getProcessEngine

      public IProcessModuleDS getProcessEngine()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method returns the module containing process definitions. When no process engine is used this will return null
      Specified by:
      getProcessEngine in interface IApplicationDS
      the module containing the process definitions
    • getProcessMappingDS

      public IProcessMappingDS getProcessMappingDS()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method returns the mapping that should be used for the processes. If the application does not use a process engine, as null value should be returned. Usually an application using a process engine does not define any processes.
      Specified by:
      getProcessMappingDS in interface IApplicationDS
      the mapping that should be used for the processes.
    • getApplicationMode

      public ApplicationMode getApplicationMode()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method returns the application mode for the portal engine.
      Specified by:
      getApplicationMode in interface IApplicationDS
      The application mode for the portal engine.
    • getFactoryManager

      public IFactoryManager getFactoryManager()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method should return a factory manager implementation for the application.
      Specified by:
      getFactoryManager in interface IApplicationDS
      a factory manager implementation for the application.
    • getResourceManager

      public IResourceManager getResourceManager()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method should return a resource manager implementation for the application.
      Specified by:
      getResourceManager in interface IApplicationDS
      a resource manager implementation for the application.
    • getConnectionManager

      public IConnectionManager getConnectionManager()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method may return an application specific connection manager.
      Specified by:
      getConnectionManager in interface IApplicationDS
      an application specific connection manager, or null if no predefined connections are available in the application.
    • iterateMappings

      public void iterateMappings(IMappingVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method should iterate over all the mappings and add them to the provided visitor.
      Specified by:
      iterateMappings in interface IApplicationDS
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the mapping definitions to.
    • wrapFailedElements

      public boolean wrapFailedElements()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method returns a boolean indicating if elements that fail expansion should be replaced by failed element objects, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
      Specified by:
      wrapFailedElements in interface IApplicationDS
      a boolean indicating if elements that fail expansion should be replaced by failed element objects.
    • outputFailedMasks

      public boolean outputFailedMasks()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method returns a boolean indicating if failed masks must be included, or that the cause of the failure should be thrown as an exception.
      Specified by:
      outputFailedMasks in interface IApplicationDS
      a boolean indicating if mask that fails should be included in the expanded element
    • iterateWebServices

      public void iterateWebServices(IWebServiceVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      This method should iterate over all the exposed web services and add them to the provided visitor.
      Specified by:
      iterateWebServices in interface IApplicationDS
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the exposed web service definitions to.
    • getTraceDao

      public ITraceDao getTraceDao()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      Returns the trace dao that will be used by the trace engine
      Specified by:
      getTraceDao in interface IApplicationDS
    • getTimelineCreator

      public ITimelineCreator getTimelineCreator()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      Returns the timeline dao that will be used by the trace engine
      Specified by:
      getTimelineCreator in interface IApplicationDS
      The Timeline Creator DAO
    • getProjectMetadata

      public ProjectMetadata getProjectMetadata()
      Description copied from interface: IApplicationDS
      Returns the project metadata containing webservice calls and library references
      Specified by:
      getProjectMetadata in interface IApplicationDS