Interface IContainerDS

All Superinterfaces:
IElementDS, IReportingDS
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ContainerDelegateDS, ContainerDS, ExecuteTaskPage, PageDS, ReportingContainerDS, ReportingPageDS, XmlContainerDS, XmlContainerDS, XmlPageDS, XmlPageDS

public interface IContainerDS extends IElementDS
Data source interface used to initialize a container element.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns an array containing all the channel names of the channels in which the container is allowed to be used.
    This method returns an array containing all the role names of the roles for which the container is allowed to be used.
    This method returns the content style that should be used when including the element that is referred to.
    This method returns the text object that should be used as the display text for the container.
    This method returns the possible exit events that can be fired by this container.
    This method returns the type name of the container.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the container considers the context read-only, and does not require any write access to the context during an expand.
    This method indicated if the container is a dynamic container.
    This method should iterate over all the content of this container, and invoke the visitor to add the content.
    This method should iterate over all the mapped exit events of the container, and invoke the visitor to add the mapping.
    This method should iterate over all the properties of the container, and invoke the visitor to add the property.

    Methods inherited from interface com.aquima.interactions.composer.ds.IElementDS

    getName, getPresentationStyles

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getContentStyle

      String getContentStyle()

      This method returns the content style that should be used when including the element that is referred to.

      Pre version 7.0 the content style equals the tagname of the container.

      the content style that should be used when including the element that is referred to.
    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName()
      This method returns the type name of the container.
      the type name of the container.
    • isDynamic

      boolean isDynamic()
      This method indicated if the container is a dynamic container.
      boolean indicating if the container is a dynamic container.
    • isContextImmutable

      boolean isContextImmutable()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the container considers the context read-only, and does not require any write access to the context during an expand.
      Boolean indicating if the container considers the context read-only.
    • getAllowedChannels

      String[] getAllowedChannels()
      This method returns an array containing all the channel names of the channels in which the container is allowed to be used. When the container is available for all channels, it is recommended to return either an empty array or a null value.
      Array containing all the channels for which the container is available.
    • getAllowedRoles

      String[] getAllowedRoles()
      This method returns an array containing all the role names of the roles for which the container is allowed to be used. When the container is available for all roles, it is recommended to return either an empty array or a null value.
      Array containing all the roles for which the container is available.
    • getDisplayText

      IMultilingualText getDisplayText()
      This method returns the text object that should be used as the display text for the container. The text object may contain expressions, as it will be parsed during initialization to a IDynamicText object.
      the text object that should be used as the display text for the container.
    • iterateContents

      void iterateContents(IContainmentVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the content of this container, and invoke the visitor to add the content.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the content to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the content could not be added.
    • iterateProperties

      void iterateProperties(IPropertyVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the properties of the container, and invoke the visitor to add the property.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the properties to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the properties could not be added.
    • getExitEvents

      String[] getExitEvents()
      This method returns the possible exit events that can be fired by this container. This method should return null when this container is unaware of its exit events.
      the possible exit events, can be null.
    • iterateExitEvents

      void iterateExitEvents(IContainerExitEventVisitor visitor)
      This method should iterate over all the mapped exit events of the container, and invoke the visitor to add the mapping.
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to add the events to.
      InitializationException - This exception is thrown when the event mappings could not be added.