Interface IEdgeDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ReportingEdgeDS, XmlEdgeDS, XmlEdgeDS

public interface IEdgeDS extends IReportingDS
This data source contains information about the edge and the next node.
F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    For the edge that connects the start node, the label value may be null.
    This method returns the sequence number of the edge.
    This method should return the ID of the node this edge is connecting from.
    This method should return the ID of the next node this edge points to.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • getSourceId

      String getSourceId()
      This method should return the ID of the node this edge is connecting from.
      String The ID of the source node this edge is connecting from.
    • getLabel

      ExitEvent getLabel()
      For the edge that connects the start node, the label value may be null.
      The label or alternative expression.
    • getTargetId

      String getTargetId()
      This method should return the ID of the next node this edge points to.
      String The ID of the next node this edge points to.
    • getSequenceNr

      long getSequenceNr()
      This method returns the sequence number of the edge. The sequence numbers of the edges connected to a node will be used to sort the edges on. The edge with the lowest sequence number will be processed first. If the order of the edges is not relevant, the value zero may be returned.
      The sequence number of the edge.