Class FactoryManager

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FactoryManager extends Object implements IFactoryManager
Customizable factory manager implementation. This factory manager can be used by application configurations to provide custom implementations of the various factories services by this manager.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Constructor Details

    • FactoryManager

      public FactoryManager()
      Default constructor for the factory manager, none of the factories that are serviced by this manager are initialized.
  • Method Details

    • getContainerFactory

      public IContainerFactory getContainerFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      return a dynamic container factory. Works similar to the service factory
      Specified by:
      getContainerFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      IContainerFactory never null
    • setContainerFactory

      public void setContainerFactory(IContainerFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the container factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used.
    • getServiceFactory

      public IServiceFactory getServiceFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      Return a service factory, a service is constructed by its definition.
      Specified by:
      getServiceFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      IServiceFactory never null
    • setServiceFactory

      public void setServiceFactory(IServiceFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the service factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used.
    • getActionHandlerFactory

      public IActionHandlerFactory getActionHandlerFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      return an action handler factory. Works similar to the service factory
      Specified by:
      getActionHandlerFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      IActionHandlerFactory never null
    • setActionHandlerFactory

      public void setActionHandlerFactory(IActionHandlerFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the action handler factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used.
    • getMatchTypeFactory

      public IMatchTypeFactory getMatchTypeFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns the match type factory which can create custom match functions.
      Specified by:
      getMatchTypeFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      The match type factory.
    • setMatchTypeFactory

      public void setMatchTypeFactory(IMatchTypeFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the match type factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used.
    • getRuleFactory

      public IRuleFactory getRuleFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      Returns the rule factory. This interface knows how to construct various (custom) rules from a definition. Either by class or custom implementation.
      Specified by:
      getRuleFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      A rule factory, never null
    • setRuleFactory

      public void setRuleFactory(IRuleFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the rule factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used.
    • getValidatorFactory

      public IValidatorFactory getValidatorFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns the validator factory, that is used to request (custom) validator implementations.
      Specified by:
      getValidatorFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      Validator factory, never null.
    • setValidatorFactory

      public void setValidatorFactory(IValidatorFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the validator factory that should be used.
      factory - the validator factory that should be used.
    • getTimeTrackerFactory

      public ITimeTrackerFactory getTimeTrackerFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns a time tracker factory.
      Specified by:
      getTimeTrackerFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      The time tracker factory to use when creating new time trackers.
    • setTimeTrackerFactory

      public void setTimeTrackerFactory(ITimeTrackerFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the time-tracker factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used.
    • getRendererFactory

      public IRendererFactory getRendererFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns a document renderer factory.
      Specified by:
      getRendererFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      The document renderer factory to use when creating document renderers.
    • setRendererFactory

      public void setRendererFactory(IRendererFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the renderer factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used.
    • setMaskFactory

      public void setMaskFactory(IMaskFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the mask factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used.
    • getMaskFactory

      public IMaskFactory getMaskFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns a mask factory.
      Specified by:
      getMaskFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      The mask factory.
    • setDomainValuesFactory

      public void setDomainValuesFactory(IDomainValuesFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the domain values factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used
    • getDomainValuesFactory

      public IDomainValuesFactory getDomainValuesFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      Returns the domain values factory which supplies values for external domains.
      Specified by:
      getDomainValuesFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      the domain values factory
    • setCustomSchemaElementFactory

      public void setCustomSchemaElementFactory(ICustomSchemaElementFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the custom schema element factory implementation.
      factory - The factory implementation that should be used.
    • getCustomSchemaElementFactory

      public ICustomSchemaElementFactory getCustomSchemaElementFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns the schema composer factory which supplies schema(s) for the communication engine.
      Specified by:
      getCustomSchemaElementFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      The schema composer factory.
    • setProcessFactory

      public void setProcessFactory(IProcessExtensionFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the process factory implementation.
      factory - the process extension factory
    • getProcessEntityFactory

      public IProcessExtensionFactory getProcessEntityFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns the process factory which supplies external components for the process engine.
      Specified by:
      getProcessEntityFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      The process factory, never null.
    • setContentManagerFactory

      public void setContentManagerFactory(IContentManagerFactory factory)
      This method may be used to specify the content manager factory implementation.
      factory - the content manager factory
    • getContentManagerFactory

      public IContentManagerFactory getContentManagerFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns the content manager factory which supplies content managers based on a connection.

      Content created with the returned content manager will be permanently persisted. This method is equivalent with IFactoryManager.getContentManagerFactory(IPortalContext, PersistenceLevel) with a persistence level of PERMANENT.

      Specified by:
      getContentManagerFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      The content manager, never null
    • getContentManagerFactory

      public IContentManagerFactory getContentManagerFactory(IPortalContext context, PersistenceLevel persistence)
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      Creates a content manager factory for the given context and persistence level.

      When the persistence level is temporary, the returned content manager factory may create content managers that may be scoped to a portal scope of the given context (eg request, flow, session, etc.), or may use a different strategy for deleting temporary content.

      Specified by:
      getContentManagerFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      context - provides scopes for temporary content managers
      persistence - the persistence level of the content that will be created using this content manager factory
      the content manager factory, never null.
    • setSerializerFactory

      public void setSerializerFactory(IDataSerializerFactory factory)
    • getSerializerFactory

      public IDataSerializerFactory getSerializerFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns the serializer factory for creating serializers based on mime types.
      Specified by:
      getSerializerFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      The serializer factory.
    • setSoapMessageHandlerFactory

      public void setSoapMessageHandlerFactory(ISoapMessageHandlerFactory factory)
    • getSoapMessageHandlerFactory

      public ISoapMessageHandlerFactory getSoapMessageHandlerFactory()
      Description copied from interface: IFactoryManager
      This method returns the soap message handler factory which creates ISoapMessageHandler instances.
      Specified by:
      getSoapMessageHandlerFactory in interface IFactoryManager
      The soap message handler factory