Interface IServiceFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultServiceFactory, LenientServiceFactory, LinkedServiceFactory, ServiceFactory

public interface IServiceFactory
This interface may be implemented by objects capable of providing service implementations.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getService(ApplicationID applicationId, String serviceTypeName)
    This method should provide an implementation of the service interface for the specified name and application id.
  • Method Details

    • getService

      IService getService(ApplicationID applicationId, String serviceTypeName)
      This method should provide an implementation of the service interface for the specified name and application id. The name passed to this method will be the service-type name as specified in the studio. When service could not be created the factory should throw an exception, when the service could not be found a null pointer should be returned.
      applicationId - The ID of the application module for which a service is requested.
      serviceTypeName - the service-type name
      the service interface which should be returned, null when not available.
      PortalException - When the service could not be created.