Interface IService

All Known Subinterfaces:
ICacheableParametersObjectService<T>, ISelfValidatingService
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActivateInstance, AssignTask, ConnectivityServiceBase, CsvConnectivityService, DeleteFileService, DeleteInstance, DocumentGenerate, DocumentRenderer, ExecuteTask, GetCaseInfo, GetMetadataService, GetRequestParameters, GetTaskInfo, InstanceCreateService, InstanceUpdateService, MailService, MoveFileService, NextTasksForCase, NextTasksForMessageEvent, SoapConnectivityService, StoreDecision, TaskStatus, ThrowMessageEvent, UpdateMetadataService

public interface IService
The service interface for use within flows.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The handle method of the service is allowed to make changes to the interfaces passed along with the IServiceContext.
  • Method Details

    • handle

      IServiceResult handle(IServiceContext context) throws Exception
      The handle method of the service is allowed to make changes to the interfaces passed along with the IServiceContext. This means the service context is changed accordingly.
      context - the context in which the service is called and allowed to make changes.
      The result of this service, may be null.
      ServiceException - When an expected exception occurs and the portal should display certain messages.
      Exception - When an unexpected exception occurs and the portal should display a standard message.