Class LinkedServiceFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class LinkedServiceFactory extends Object implements IServiceFactory
Service factory implementation that combines two service factories.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • createFor

      public static IServiceFactory createFor(IServiceFactory factory, IServiceFactory defaultFactory)
      This method returns a service factory implementation that combines both the service factories that are passed to this method.
      factory - The service factory that should be used first when requesting a service (optional).
      defaultFactory - The service factory that should be used when the first did not supply a service implementation (mandatory).
      a service factory implementation that combines both the service factories that are passed to this method.
    • getService

      public IService getService(ApplicationID application, String serviceTypeName)
      Description copied from interface: IServiceFactory
      This method should provide an implementation of the service interface for the specified name and application id. The name passed to this method will be the service-type name as specified in the studio. When service could not be created the factory should throw an exception, when the service could not be found a null pointer should be returned.
      Specified by:
      getService in interface IServiceFactory
      application - The ID of the application module for which a service is requested.
      serviceTypeName - the service-type name
      the service interface which should be returned, null when not available.