Interface IContainerFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
ContainerFactory, DefaultContainerFactory, LenientContainerFactory, LinkedContainerFactory

public interface IContainerFactory
The container factory is responsible for providing implementations for container expanders.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getContainer(ApplicationID id, String containerTypeName)
    This method should provide an implementation of the container interface for the specified name.
  • Method Details

    • getContainer

      IContainerExpander getContainer(ApplicationID id, String containerTypeName)

      This method should provide an implementation of the container interface for the specified name. The name passed to this method will be the container type name, which might not be a dynamic container depending on the container types defined for the application. When the type name does not refer to a (known) container expander, this method may return the value null to indicate that the specified type is a normal container. When the type is however known, but the implementation could not be created, the method should throw an exception.

      id - Application identifier for which the container should be created.
      containerTypeName - The type name of the container that should be created.
      Implementation of the container for the specified id.
      PortalException - This exception is thrown when no implementation could be found for the specified container type.