Interface IContainerExpander

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CaseListExpander, DocumentLinkContainer, FlowOnRefresh, InstanceLinker, InstanceLinkerPlus, InstanceList, JustificationContainer, JustificationContainerV2, LinkContainer, LinkContainerBase, NavigationMenuContainer, StatisticProcessContainer, TreeRunnerContainer, TreeSelectorContainer, WorkListExpander

public interface IContainerExpander

Implementors of this interface may change the contents of a container from the page model. Use the registerCallback method from the container context if the container should perform additional actions when the page is submitted.

O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    expand(Container container, ContainerDefinition definition, IContainerContext context)
    This method is invoked by the composer to allow a custom component to expand the container definition.
  • Method Details

    • expand

      Container expand(Container container, ContainerDefinition definition, IContainerContext context) throws Exception
      This method is invoked by the composer to allow a custom component to expand the container definition. The resulting container will not be post processed, and will be included as-is in the page.

      During an expand call the following rules apply.

      The profile is read-only

      The profile should only be used to retrieve information. Note: for older projects this can be changed by changing the application configuration, however this is highly discouraged.

      container - The container without any child elements.
      definition - The container definition containing the child definitions.
      context - the context for usage within the function.
      A container which is used for the render action, and is never allowed to be null
      Exception - When an exception occurred which was not recoverable by the container. It will be replaced by an error-container. This exception has no influence on flowing or other handling which is done by the page-composer.