Class LinkedContainerFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class LinkedContainerFactory extends Object implements IContainerFactory
Container factory implementation that combines two container factories.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • createFor

      public static IContainerFactory createFor(IContainerFactory factory, IContainerFactory defaultFactory)
      This method returns a container factory implementation that combines both the container factories that are passed to this method.
      factory - The container factory that should be used first when requesting a container (optional).
      defaultFactory - The container factory that should be used when the first did not supply a container implementation (mandatory).
      a container factory implementation that combines both the container factories that are passed to this method.
    • getContainer

      public IContainerExpander getContainer(ApplicationID application, String containerTypeName)
      Description copied from interface: IContainerFactory

      This method should provide an implementation of the container interface for the specified name. The name passed to this method will be the container type name, which might not be a dynamic container depending on the container types defined for the application. When the type name does not refer to a (known) container expander, this method may return the value null to indicate that the specified type is a normal container. When the type is however known, but the implementation could not be created, the method should throw an exception.

      Specified by:
      getContainer in interface IContainerFactory
      application - Application identifier for which the container should be created.
      containerTypeName - The type name of the container that should be created.
      Implementation of the container for the specified id.