Class ForeachDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ForeachDefinition extends Object implements IParseNode
Parse node representing a FOREACH loop from a TSL expression.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ForeachDefinition Link icon

      public ForeachDefinition(int position, String typeName, String fromNode, String whereNode, String orderBy, IParseNode contentNode)
      Constructs the parse node with the required arguments.
      position - The position of the loop within the TSL expression.
      typeName - The type of the instance that is iterated over.
      fromNode - The expression that results in a list of instances.
      whereNode - The condition that should be evaluated for each instance.
      orderBy - The attribute and direction that should be used to sort the instances.
      contentNode - The contents that should be expanded for each instance.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getTypeName Link icon

      public String getTypeName()
      This method returns the type of the instance that is iterated over.
      the type of the instance that is iterated over.
    • getFromExpression Link icon

      public String getFromExpression()
      This method returns the expression that should be used to collect the instances.
      the expression that should be used to collect the instances.
    • getWhereCondition Link icon

      public String getWhereCondition()
      This method returns the condition that should be applied to each instance.
      the condition that should be applied to each instance.
    • getOrderBy Link icon

      public String getOrderBy()
      This method returns the name of the attribute that should be used to sort the instances on.
      the name of the attribute that should be used to sort the instances on.
    • getContent Link icon

      public IParseNode getContent()
      This method returns the contents that should be expanded for each instance.
      the contents that should be expanded for each instance.
    • isOrderAscending Link icon

      public boolean isOrderAscending()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the instances should be sorted ascending.
      a boolean indicating if the instances should be sorted ascending.
    • getPosition Link icon

      public int getPosition()
      Description copied from interface: IParseNode
      This method returns the position in the original text where the node started.
      Specified by:
      getPosition in interface IParseNode
      The character position in the original text where the node started.