Interface IAttributeMappingDefinition

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public interface IAttributeMappingDefinition extends Serializable
This interface defines several method that can be used to retrieve attribute mapping definition information.
Jon van Leuven
  • Method Details

    • getTargetAttribute

      AttributeReference getTargetAttribute()
      This method returns the name of tthe attribute from the source should be mapped to. In case of a relation, this method returns the name of the target the instance(s) from the relation should be mapped to. The target may be either a name of a relation or a name of an entity (singleton or not). In case the target indicates another relation attribute, the entity of the target should be included.
      The name of the attribute from the source should be mapped to.
    • getValueMapping

      IValueMappingDefinition[] getValueMapping()
      This method return the optional value mappings.
      The value mappings, may not be null, but could return an empty array.