Class AttributeMappingDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAttributeMappingDefinition, Serializable

public class AttributeMappingDefinition extends Object implements IAttributeMappingDefinition
Contains the definition of a mapping on the Attribute level.
Author:, Jon van Leuven
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • AttributeMappingDefinition Link icon

      public AttributeMappingDefinition(IAttributeMappingDS datasource, IEntityDefinition targetEntity, IExpressionParser parser)
      Constructs an attribute mapping definition from a data source. This method requires the (partially) initialized source and target entity defintions.
      datasource - The data source providing the information of the attribute mapping.
      targetEntity - The target entity definition
      parser - The parser that is used for expression parsing.
      InitializationException - This error is thrown when structural errors are encountered during initialization.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getValueMapping Link icon

      public IValueMappingDefinition[] getValueMapping()
      Description copied from interface: IAttributeMappingDefinition
      This method return the optional value mappings.
      Specified by:
      getValueMapping in interface IAttributeMappingDefinition
      The value mappings, may not be null, but could return an empty array.
    • getTargetAttribute Link icon

      public AttributeReference getTargetAttribute()
      Description copied from interface: IAttributeMappingDefinition
      This method returns the name of tthe attribute from the source should be mapped to. In case of a relation, this method returns the name of the target the instance(s) from the relation should be mapped to. The target may be either a name of a relation or a name of an entity (singleton or not). In case the target indicates another relation attribute, the entity of the target should be included.
      Specified by:
      getTargetAttribute in interface IAttributeMappingDefinition
      The name of the attribute from the source should be mapped to.