All Implemented Interfaces:
ICompositeElement, IContainer, IElement, Serializable

public class TableRow extends TableHeader
This class defines a row from a table. For internal use only. The TableBuilder class may be used to create a table container structure.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TableRow

      public TableRow(Serializable id, Serializable[] cells)
      Constructs the table row with an array of cells.
      id - The ID of the row.
      cells - The cells that should be used in the row.
    • TableRow

      public TableRow(Serializable id, Serializable[] cells, String style)
      Constructs the table row with an array of cells.
      id - The ID of the row.
      cells - The cells that should be used in the row.
      style - The style that should be used for the row.
    • TableRow

      protected TableRow(TableRow other, boolean duplicateContents)
  • Method Details