Interface ICompositeElement

All Superinterfaces:
IElement, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IContainer, IContentItem, IDocument, IPage
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnsweredContainer, ButtonContainer, CompositeElement, Container, ContainerDelegate, ContentItem, Document, FailedElement, Page, QuestionsContainer, SolutionsContainer, Table, TableCell, TableContainer, TableElement, TableHeader, TableRow, TreeListContainer

public interface ICompositeElement extends IElement
Interface for runtime composite elements. Elements that wish to contain other elements (composite) should implement this interface.
Jon van Leuven, O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getContentStyle

      ContentStyle getContentStyle()
      This method returns the content style of the element.
      The content style of the element (never null).
    • getElementCount

      int getElementCount()
      This method returns the number of elements that is contained in this container.
      The number of child elements of this container.
    • getElement

      IElement getElement(int index)
      This method returns the child element at the specified position.
      index - The position of the child element that is requested.
      The child element at the specified position.
    • getElement

      IElement getElement(RuntimeKey key)
      This method returns the element for the specified runtime key.
      key - The runtime key of the element that is requested.
      The element for the specified runtime key.
      UnknownKeyException - This exception is thrown when no element is known for the supplied key.
    • getElements

      IElement[] getElements()
      This method returns an array containing all the elements that are directly included in this container.
      Array with the direct sub elements of the container.
    • equalsContent

      boolean equalsContent(ICompositeElement other)
      Method indicating if the composite element has the same content as another composite element.
      other - composite element to compare with
      boolean indicating if the content of this composite element is equal to the content of the provided composite element.
    • accept

      IVisitor accept(IVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: IElement
      This method will traverse the element structure and invoke the visitor for each element.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface IElement
      visitor - The visitor that should be used to traverse the structure with.
      The visitor that should be used to process child element, or null when the child elements should not be processed.