Class XmlParseException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XmlParseException extends XmlException
Exception that is thrown when a problem in the XML parsing occurs.
I. de Jong
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • XmlParseException Link icon

      public XmlParseException(String message)
      Constructs the exception with a message explaining the cause of the error.
      message - A message explaining the cause of the error.
    • XmlParseException Link icon

      public XmlParseException(String message, String[] parseErrors)
      Constructs the exception with a message explaining the cause of the error and an array of parse errors.
      message - A message explaining the cause of the error.
      parseErrors - Array containing parse errors.
    • XmlParseException Link icon

      public XmlParseException(String message, String[] parseErrors, Throwable cause)
      Constructs the exception with a message explaining the cause of the error and an array of parse errors.
      message - A message explaining the cause of the error.
      parseErrors - Array containing parse errors.
      cause - The root cause of the exception
    • XmlParseException Link icon

      public XmlParseException(String message, Throwable cause)
      Constructs the exception with a message explaining the cause of the error.
      message - A message explaining the cause of the error.
      cause - The cause of the error.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getParseErrors Link icon

      public String[] getParseErrors()
      Retrieve the list of parse errors that occurred during DOM-parsing. This list is empty if using a SAX-parser or when the exception didn't occur because of a parse error.
      array of error messages (may be empty).