Class TmsProfile

All Implemented Interfaces:
IEventChannel, IProfile, IProfileLifecycle, InferenceContext, Serializable

public class TmsProfile extends ProfileDelegate implements InferenceContext
This profile wrapper adds truth maintenance to the wrapped profile.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TmsProfile

      public TmsProfile(IProfile profile, IRuleEngine inferenceEngine)
      Constructs a truth maintenance wrapper using a profile and rule engine. This constructor will halt on conflicting results by default.
      profile - The profile to which truth maintenance should be added.
      inferenceEngine - The rule engine that should be used to inference unknown values.
    • TmsProfile

      public TmsProfile(IProfile profile, IRuleEngine inferenceEngine, boolean haltOnConflictingRules)
      Constructs a truth maintenance wrapper using a profile and rule engine.
      profile - The profile to which truth maintenance should be added.
      inferenceEngine - The rule engine that should be used to inference unknown values.
      haltOnConflictingRules - Boolean indicating if conflicting results are allowed for attributes.
  • Method Details

    • createInstance

      public IEntityInstance createInstance(String entityName)
      Description copied from interface: IProfile
      This method creates a new empty instance for the specified entity type. The name and id of this new instance are generated by the profile itself.
      Specified by:
      createInstance in interface IProfile
      createInstance in class ProfileDelegate
      entityName - The name of the entity for which a new instance should be created.
      A new instance for the specified type. Never null.
    • createInstance

      public IEntityInstance createInstance(String entityName, GUID instanceId, String instanceName)
      Description copied from interface: IProfile
      This method creates a new empty instance for the specified entity type. This method may supply either a name or ID which will be used by the profile to determine these values. When ID and instanceName are supplied with null, the behavior of this function is exactly the same as createInstance( String entityName ).
      Specified by:
      createInstance in interface IProfile
      createInstance in class ProfileDelegate
      entityName - The name of the entity for which a new instance should be created.
      instanceId - Unique ID of the new instance. When null is supplied, an ID will be generated by the profile.
      instanceName - Unique name of the new instance. when null is supplied a name will be generated by the profile.
      A new instance for the specified type. Never null.
    • getAllInternalInstancesForEntity

      protected IEntityInstance[] getAllInternalInstancesForEntity(String entityName, boolean includeChildren)
    • getAllInstancesForEntity

      public IEntityInstance[] getAllInstancesForEntity(String entityName, boolean includeChildren)
      Description copied from interface: IProfile
      This method returns all existing instances of a certain type in the profile. Even when there are no instances available for a certain type an empty array will be returned.
      Specified by:
      getAllInstancesForEntity in interface IProfile
      getAllInstancesForEntity in class ProfileDelegate
      entityName - The entity type for which the instances are requested.
      includeChildren - when this option is passed as true, all child entity-types are also returned.
      An array of instances for the specified type (never null).
    • getInstance

      public IEntityInstance getInstance(EntityValue instance)
      Description copied from interface: IProfile
      This method can be used to lookup an instance based on a reference.
      Specified by:
      getInstance in interface IProfile
      getInstance in class ProfileDelegate
      instance - InstanceReference of the instance that should be returned.
      IEntityInstance The entity instance for the specified ID.
    • getInstanceByName

      public IEntityInstance getInstanceByName(String entityName, String instanceName)
      Description copied from interface: IProfile
      This method returns an instance of the specified type for the given instance name.
      Specified by:
      getInstanceByName in interface IProfile
      getInstanceByName in class ProfileDelegate
      entityName - The name of the entity (type) of which the instance should be.
      instanceName - The name of the instance.
      IEntityInstance object of the correct type for the specified name.
    • getInstanceById

      public IEntityInstance getInstanceById(String entityName, GUID instanceId)
      Description copied from interface: IProfile
      This method returns the instance of the specified type for the given instance id. The id of an instance is generated when the instance is created, and can thus only be used within the same session.
      Specified by:
      getInstanceById in interface IProfile
      getInstanceById in class ProfileDelegate
      entityName - The name of the entity (type) of which the instance should be.
      instanceId - The (unique) id of the instance.
      IEntityInstance object of the correct type for the specified name.
    • getSingletonInstance

      public IEntityInstance getSingletonInstance(String entityName, boolean create)
      Description copied from interface: IProfile

      This method can be used to retrieve the singleton instance from the profile for a specific entity type. Depending on the value of the create parameter that is passed, the behavior of this method differs slightly.

      • When there is a singleton instance present in the profile for the specified type, this method will return that instance regardless the value of create.
      • When no instance is present for the specified type and create is set to true, the singleton instance will be created and returned.
      • When no instance is present for the specified type and create is set to false, an UnknownInstanceException will be thrown.
      When this method is invoked for an entity that has not been specified as a singleton type in the meta-model, this method will throw an exception, as a singleton instance can not exist for entities that allow multiple instances in the profile.
      Specified by:
      getSingletonInstance in interface IProfile
      getSingletonInstance in class ProfileDelegate
      entityName - String the Name of the entity
      create - boolean indicating whether the singleton instance should be created in case it does not exist yet.
      IEntityInstance interface pointing to the singleton ('0'th) instance for the specified entity type.
    • getActiveInstance

      public IEntityInstance getActiveInstance(String entityName)
      Description copied from interface: InferenceContext
      This method returns the active instance for the specified type. When no active instance can be found for the specified type, the type is assumed to be a singleton instance. When this method is invoked for a non singleton type without any active instance, the call to the getSingletonInstance will fail due to a CreateInstanceException.
      Specified by:
      getActiveInstance in interface InferenceContext
      entityName - The entity type for which the active instance is requested.
      The instance that is active for the specified type.
    • getHaltOnConflictingRules

      protected boolean getHaltOnConflictingRules()
    • getInferenceEngine

      protected IRuleEngine getInferenceEngine()
    • getTmsStateManager

      protected TmsStateManager getTmsStateManager()
    • getTmsInstance

      protected TmsEntityInstance getTmsInstance(EntityValue instanceReference)
    • wrapInstance

      protected TmsEntityInstance wrapInstance(IEntityInstance instance)
    • getInferenceDetails

      public IInferenceDetails getInferenceDetails(ValueReference attributeReference)
      Description copied from interface: InferenceContext
      This method may be used to request detailed inference information for a specific attribute. The details object contains information like which rule inferenced the value, and what other values were used by the rule engine to determine the current result.
      Specified by:
      getInferenceDetails in interface InferenceContext
      attributeReference - The reference to the attribute whose inference information is requested.
      Object containing detailed information about the value related to the inference process.
    • pushSourceTarget

      protected void pushSourceTarget(ValueReference sourceTarget)
      Pushes the attribute to source to the source stack.
      sourceTarget - The attribute to source
      RuleEngineException - on circular reasoning
    • popSourceTarget

      protected void popSourceTarget(ValueReference sourceTarget)
      Pops the attribute to source from the source stack.
      sourceTarget - The attribute that was sourced
    • addEventListener

      public boolean addEventListener(IEventListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: IEventChannel
      This method will add the passed event listener to the list of listeners.
      Specified by:
      addEventListener in interface IEventChannel
      addEventListener in class ProfileDelegate
      listener - The event listener that should be added.
      boolean indicating is the listener was actually added.
    • removeEventListener

      public boolean removeEventListener(IEventListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: IEventChannel
      This method will remove the specified event listener from the list of listeners.
      Specified by:
      removeEventListener in interface IEventChannel
      removeEventListener in class ProfileDelegate
      listener - The event listener that should be removed.
      boolean indicating if the listener was actually removed.
    • activate

      public void activate(IProfileActivationContext profileActivationContext)
      Description copied from interface: IProfileLifecycle
      This method may be used for activating the profile after deserialization.
      Specified by:
      activate in interface IProfileLifecycle
      activate in class ProfileDelegate
      profileActivationContext - the current profile activation context.