Class HiddenElement

All Implemented Interfaces:
IElement, Serializable

public class HiddenElement extends Element
This element is used in the page model to represent a hidden element. Hidden elements are not expanded, but by adding this HiddenElement place-holder, the client can still 'see' there was an element definition present. This will also ensure that generated keys stay the same regardless of the visibility of elements.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HiddenElement

      public HiddenElement(String name, ElementType type)
      Constructs a hidden element place-holder for the specified element name and type.
      name - The name of the element that is not visible.
      type - The type of the hidden element.
    • HiddenElement

      protected HiddenElement(HiddenElement other)
  • Method Details

    • duplicate

      public Element duplicate()
      Description copied from interface: IElement
      This method should clone the element and return the cloned element. The duplicate method should usually make a deep copy of the element, with the exception of members that are not mutable (and thus can safely be shared between multiple copies). The properties of an element are considered to be non-mutable, and will thus by default be copied.
      The cloned (duplicate) element.
    • getType

      public ElementType getType()
      This method returns the type of the element that was not visible.
      the type of the element that was not visible.
    • isVisible

      public boolean isVisible()
      Description copied from interface: IElement
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the element should be visible. An element is visible when the element itself is specified as being visible and the parent container (if available) is visible.
      Specified by:
      isVisible in interface IElement
      isVisible in class Element
      boolean indicating if the element should be visible.