Class SimpleSmtpMailConnection

All Implemented Interfaces:
IConnection, IMailConnection

public class SimpleSmtpMailConnection extends Object implements IMailConnection
This mail connection implementation uses the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send email messages.
Jon van Leuven
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleSmtpMailConnection

      protected SimpleSmtpMailConnection(String name, String smtpHost, int smtpPort, String smtpUser, String smtpPassword, boolean useTls, String fromAddress, String[] toAddresses, String[] ccAddresses, String[] bccAddresses)
      This constructor creates a mail connection for a SMTP host, port, username and password, while also specifying the usage of TLS. If no username and password is specified, no authentication will be performed.
      name - The unique name for this connection, may not be empty or null.
      smtpHost - The host name, may not be empty or null.
      smtpPort - must be an integer value between 1 and 65535
      smtpUser - The user name for the SMTP host, may be null or empty.
      smtpPassword - The password name for the SMTP host, may be null or empty.
      useTls - Indication if TLS is to be used.
      fromAddress - the address to send the mail from
      toAddresses - the recipients
      ccAddresses - the cc addresses
      bccAddresses - the bcc addresses
  • Method Details