Interface IProcessNodeDefinition

All Known Subinterfaces:
IBranchNodeDefinition, ICallNodeDefinition, IChoiceNodeDefinition, IConditionNodeDefinition, IEndNodeDefinition, IEventNodeDefinition, IGroupNodeDefinition, IJoinNodeDefinition, IProcessEndNodeDefinition, IProcessStepDefinition, ITaskNodeDefinition, ITimerNodeDefinition, IWaitNodeDefinition
All Known Implementing Classes:
BranchNodeDefinition, CallNodeDefinition, ChoiceNodeDefinition, ConditionNodeDefinition, EndNodeDefinition, EventNodeDefinition, GroupNodeDefinition, JoinNodeDefinition, NodeDefinition, ProcessEndNodeDefinition, ProcessStepDefinition, TaskNodeDefinition, TimerNodeDefinition

public interface IProcessNodeDefinition
Base interface for all nodes in a process.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getId Link icon

      GUID getId()
      This method returns a unique ID for the node.
      a unique ID for the node.
    • getDisplayName Link icon

      String getDisplayName()
      This method returns a name for the node in a readable format that can be used to identify the node.
      a name for the node in a readable format that can be used to identify the node.
    • getNextNode Link icon

      IProcessNodeDefinition getNextNode()
      This method returns the next node that should be processed after this node has been completed. If there is no next node, because the process has completed, this method will return null.
      the next node that should be processed after this node has been completed.
    • getNextNode Link icon

      IProcessNodeDefinition getNextNode(String exitState)
      This method returns the next node for the specified exit state. As each defined exit state should have a next node, this method will never return null, unless the default exit state (null) is provided as argument.
      exitState - The exit state for which the next node is requested.
      The next node in the process.
    • getExitStates Link icon

      String[] getExitStates()
      This method returns an array containing the possible exit states of the process step.
      an array containing the possible exit states of the process step.
    • getExpirationDefinition Link icon

      ITimeoutDefinition getExpirationDefinition()
      This method returns information about what action should be taken in case of a timeout. If expiration is not applicable for this node, the method will return null.
      information about what action should be taken in case of a timeout.