Class NodeDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BranchNodeDefinition, EndNodeDefinition, JoinNodeDefinition, ProcessEndNodeDefinition, ProcessStepDefinition

public abstract class NodeDefinition extends Object implements IProcessNodeDefinition
Base class for all nodes in a process.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Constructor Details

    • NodeDefinition

      protected NodeDefinition(GUID id)
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public GUID getId()
      Description copied from interface: IProcessNodeDefinition
      This method returns a unique ID for the node.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface IProcessNodeDefinition
      a unique ID for the node.
    • getNextNode

      public IProcessNodeDefinition getNextNode()
      Description copied from interface: IProcessNodeDefinition
      This method returns the next node that should be processed after this node has been completed. If there is no next node, because the process has completed, this method will return null.
      Specified by:
      getNextNode in interface IProcessNodeDefinition
      the next node that should be processed after this node has been completed.
    • getNextNode

      public IProcessNodeDefinition getNextNode(String exitState)
      Description copied from interface: IProcessNodeDefinition
      This method returns the next node for the specified exit state. As each defined exit state should have a next node, this method will never return null, unless the default exit state (null) is provided as argument.
      Specified by:
      getNextNode in interface IProcessNodeDefinition
      exitState - The exit state for which the next node is requested.
      The next node in the process.
    • getNextNodeSafe

      public IProcessNodeDefinition getNextNodeSafe(String exitState)
      This method is the same as the getNextNode method, but if won't throw an exception if the next node is not available.
      exitState - The exit state for which the next node is requested.
      The next node for the exit state, or null is none was defined.
    • getExitStates

      public String[] getExitStates()
      This method returns the names of the exits that are connected to a next node.
      Specified by:
      getExitStates in interface IProcessNodeDefinition
      the names of the exits that are connected to a next node.
    • addNextNode

      protected void addNextNode(String exitState, NodeDefinition node)
    • getExpirationDefinition

      public ITimeoutDefinition getExpirationDefinition()
      Description copied from interface: IProcessNodeDefinition
      This method returns information about what action should be taken in case of a timeout. If expiration is not applicable for this node, the method will return null.
      Specified by:
      getExpirationDefinition in interface IProcessNodeDefinition
      information about what action should be taken in case of a timeout.
    • setExpirationDefinition

      protected void setExpirationDefinition(IExpression expression, ReevaluationEvent reevaluationEvent, IProcessNodeDefinition continuationPoint)