Interface ICallNodeDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
IProcessNodeDefinition, IProcessStepDefinition
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ICallNodeDefinition extends IProcessStepDefinition
This interface defines a node in a process that is used to invoke a sub-process.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getProcessName

      String getProcessName()
      This method returns the process name of the process that should be invoked by this node.
      the process name of the process that should be invoked by this node.
    • getRequiredCondition

      ICondition getRequiredCondition()
      This method returns a boolean condition indicating if the node is required once the task has become available. A node that is required will stay scheduled even after the condition that caused it to be scheduled has become false. This property is only relevant for adhoc nodes.
      boolean condition indicating if the node is required once the task has become available.