Interface ICondition

All Superinterfaces:
IExpression, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
BooleanCondition, Condition

public interface ICondition extends IExpression
The condition interface is used for expression objects that evaluate to a boolean value, and hence can be used as a condition.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Field Details

    • TRUE

      static final ICondition TRUE
      An inline field for a TRUE condition.
    • FALSE

      static final ICondition FALSE
      An inline field for a FALSE condition.
  • Method Details

    • evaluateConditionWith

      BooleanValue evaluateConditionWith(InferenceContext context, BooleanValue unknownValue)
      Evaluate method that will ensure the result is a boolean value, and use the default value passed if the expression did not yield any result.
      context - The context that should be used to evaluate the expression with.
      unknownValue - The default value that should be returned when the expression does not yield a result.
      Boolean value containing the result of the expression evaluation, or the default value.
      RuleEngineException - This exception is thrown when the expression could not be evaluated.