Class DomainSchemaContext

All Implemented Interfaces:
IDomainSchemaContext, IPortalContext, IInternalPortalContext, Serializable

public class DomainSchemaContext extends PortalContextDelegate implements IDomainSchemaContext
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getParameters

      public IParameters getParameters()
      Specified by:
      getParameters in interface IDomainSchemaContext
    • getProfile

      public InferenceContext getProfile()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalContext
      This method will return the current profile interface. In addition to the standard profile behavior, the implementation returned here will also automatically inference unknown values, and is aware of the instances that might have been activated during the page flow.

      See also getUserProfile()

      Specified by:
      getProfile in interface IPortalContext
      getProfile in class PortalContextDelegate
      Profile interface.
    • getActiveInstance

      public IEntityInstance getActiveInstance(String entityName)
      Description copied from interface: IPortalContext
      Returns the active instance connected to the specified entity name. An instance might have been activated in the following ways:
      • The instance is a singleton, and therefore always active.
      • The instance is activated through a container (only during page evaluation).
      • The instance is activated by using the pushActiveInstance within the same flow.
      Specified by:
      getActiveInstance in interface IPortalContext
      getActiveInstance in class PortalContextDelegate
      entityName - The entity name for which the active instance is requested.
      The instance that is active for the specified entity type.
    • getElementComposer

      public IElementComposer getElementComposer()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalContext
      This method returns an element factory that may be used to expand pre-defined elements from the composer using the current container context.
      Specified by:
      getElementComposer in interface IPortalContext
      getElementComposer in class PortalContextDelegate
      An element factory that can be used to expand elements from the composer.
    • getMappingComposer

      public IMappingComposer getMappingComposer()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalContext
      This method returns an element factory that may be used to expand pre-defined elements from the composer using the mapping context.
      Specified by:
      getMappingComposer in interface IPortalContext
      getMappingComposer in class PortalContextDelegate
      An element factory that can be used to expand elements from the composer.