Interface IElementReference

public interface IElementReference
Base interface for a reference to an element definition.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getTargetType

      ElementType getTargetType()
      This method returns the type of the element this reference refers to.
      The type of the referred element, never null.
    • getTargetName

      String getTargetName()
      This method returns the name of the element this reference refers to. This method will return null for inline anonymous references.
      The name of the referred element.
    • getDefinition

      IElementDefinition getDefinition()
      This method return the element definition this reference refers to.
      The element definition, never null.
      UnknownElementException - When the element this reference refers to does not exist.
    • isInlineReference

      boolean isInlineReference()
      This method return a boolean indicating if this reference is inline or not.
      True when this reference is inline.
    • getVisibleCondition

      ICondition getVisibleCondition()
      This method returns the condition object that should be used to determine if the object referred should be visible. This method may return null when no condition has been set.
      The condition object to determine the visibility status of the element referred.
    • getPresentationStyle

      PresentationStyle getPresentationStyle()
      This method returns the presentation style that should be used for the object this reference is refering to.
      The presentation style of this reference, may be null.
    • getRepeatExpression

      IRepeatExpression getRepeatExpression()
      This method returns the optional repeat expression that should be used to determine the context of the element. The repeat expression can be a relation attribute containing the instance that should be active when evaluating the content item that is referred to.
      The expression that should be used to determine the context.