Interface IJustificationDS

All Known Implementing Classes:
JustificationDS, XmlJustificationDS, XmlJustificationDS

public interface IJustificationDS
Interface that contains all the methods that each data-source providing justification should implement.
Danny Roest
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the name of the attribute for which the justification is added.
    Returns the id of the justification or null if the id is not specified.
    Returns the text id containing the justification explanation.
  • Method Details

    • getAttribute

      String getAttribute()
      Returns the name of the attribute for which the justification is added. This should never be null.
      the name of the attribute for which the justification is added.
    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the id of the justification or null if the id is not specified.
      the id of the justification.
    • getTextId

      String getTextId()
      Returns the text id containing the justification explanation. The text id usually is the asset name or content item name containing the justification explanation.
      the text id object containing the justification explanation.