Interface IProcessNodeDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
XmlProcessNodeDS, XmlProcessNodeDS

public interface IProcessNodeDS extends IReportingDS
This data source is used during initialization to retrieve the information of a single node from a process definition.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the condition that should be met in order for the task to be scheduled.
    This method returns the name of the exit state of this node.
    This method should return the unique id of the node.
    This method returns the message event this node should wait for.
    This method returns the name of the (sub) process this node represents.
    This method returns the reevaluation event, which determines when a timer expression needs to be updated.
    This method returns a boolean expression indicating if the ad-hoc task or process should be removed as soon as the condition no longer evaluates to true.
    This method returns the name of the task this node represents.
    This method returns the expression that should be evaluated to determine the wait time.
    This method returns the type of the node.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the node is an ad-hoc task or process.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the task may be repeated once it has been completed.
    This method returns if the case should be locked when the task is started.

    Methods inherited from interface Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • getId Link icon

      GUID getId()
      This method should return the unique id of the node.
      String containing the id of the node.
    • getType Link icon

      ProcessNodeType getType()
      This method returns the type of the node.
      The type of the node.
    • isAdHocTask Link icon

      boolean isAdHocTask()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the node is an ad-hoc task or process. Only nodes of the type task, process, event, timer and condition may return true here. Nodes that indicate to be ad-hoc may not be used in the main process flow.
      boolean indicating if the node is an ad-hoc task or process.
    • getRequiredCondition Link icon

      String getRequiredCondition()
      This method returns a boolean expression indicating if the ad-hoc task or process should be removed as soon as the condition no longer evaluates to true. An ad-hoc process that indicates to be volatile may only contain ad-hoc tasks, and not a normal flow.
      Boolean expression indicating if the ad-hoc task should be removed once the condition is no longer true.
    • getCondition Link icon

      String getCondition()
      This method returns the condition that should be met in order for the task to be scheduled. The condition is only relevant when the task is used as an ad-hoc task in a process.
      The condition that should be met in order for the task to be scheduled.
    • getTimerExpression Link icon

      String getTimerExpression()
      This method returns the expression that should be evaluated to determine the wait time. The timer expression is only relevant for wait nodes.
      the expression that should be evaluated to determine the wait time.
    • getReevaluationEvent Link icon

      ReevaluationEvent getReevaluationEvent()
      This method returns the reevaluation event, which determines when a timer expression needs to be updated.
      the reevaluation event
    • getTaskName Link icon

      String getTaskName()
      This method returns the name of the task this node represents. The task name is only relevant for task nodes.
      the name of the task this node represents.
    • getProcessName Link icon

      String getProcessName()
      This method returns the name of the (sub) process this node represents. The process name is only relevant for process nodes.
      the name of the (sub) process this node represents.
    • getExitState Link icon

      ProcessExit getExitState()
      This method returns the name of the exit state of this node. The exit state is only relevant for end nodes.
      the name of the exit state of this node.
    • locksCase Link icon

      boolean locksCase()
      This method returns if the case should be locked when the task is started. The locksCase flag is only relevant for task nodes.
      the lock case flag of the task this node represents.
    • getMessageEventMapping Link icon

      IIntermediateMessageEventMappingDS getMessageEventMapping()
      This method returns the message event this node should wait for. The name of the event is only relevant for event nodes.
      The mapping for the message event.
    • isRepeatable Link icon

      boolean isRepeatable()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the task may be repeated once it has been completed. Note: Only ad-hoc nodes can be repeatable, except for an ad hoc condition nodes.
      a boolean indicating if the task may be repeated once it has been completed.