Class ProcessNodeType

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ProcessNodeType extends Object implements Serializable
This class defines the possible types of nodes that may be present in a process definition.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines the node type at which the branches of an AND group will join.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines a node at which all of the edges should be chosen.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines a node at which one of the edges should be chosen.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    this member defines the type that is used for the last node(s) of a process.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines the node type at which the branches of a CHOICE will join.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines the node type at which the branches of an OR group will join.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines a node at which one or more of the edges should be chosen.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This node type is used for nodes that invoke a (sub) process.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines the task node type, used for nodes that identify an (external) task.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines the node type that is used for nodes that wait until a condition becomes true.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines the node type that is used for nodes that wait for an (external) event.
    static final ProcessNodeType
    This member defines the node type that is used for nodes that trigger a delay.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the name of the process node type.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if this type is a split node.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if this type is either a split or join node.
    This method converts this generic node type to a more specific group type.
    This method return the process node type for a specified name.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • TASK

      public static final ProcessNodeType TASK
      This member defines the task node type, used for nodes that identify an (external) task.
    • OR_START

      public static final ProcessNodeType OR_START
      This member defines a node at which one or more of the edges should be chosen.
    • OR_END

      public static final ProcessNodeType OR_END
      This member defines the node type at which the branches of an OR group will join.
    • CHOICE

      public static final ProcessNodeType CHOICE
      This member defines a node at which one of the edges should be chosen.
    • JOIN

      public static final ProcessNodeType JOIN
      This member defines the node type at which the branches of a CHOICE will join.

      public static final ProcessNodeType AND_START
      This member defines a node at which all of the edges should be chosen.
    • AND_END

      public static final ProcessNodeType AND_END
      This member defines the node type at which the branches of an AND group will join.

      public static final ProcessNodeType PROCESS
      This node type is used for nodes that invoke a (sub) process.

      public static final ProcessNodeType WAIT_EVENT
      This member defines the node type that is used for nodes that wait for an (external) event.

      public static final ProcessNodeType WAIT_TIMER
      This member defines the node type that is used for nodes that trigger a delay.

      public static final ProcessNodeType WAIT_CONDITION
      This member defines the node type that is used for nodes that wait until a condition becomes true.
    • END

      public static final ProcessNodeType END
      this member defines the type that is used for the last node(s) of a process.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      This method returns the name of the process node type.
      the name of the process node type.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • isGroupType

      public boolean isGroupType()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if this type is either a split or join node.
      a boolean indicating if this type is either a split or join node.
    • toGroupType

      public GroupType toGroupType()
      This method converts this generic node type to a more specific group type.
      The group type for this node type.
    • isGroupStartNode

      public boolean isGroupStartNode()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if this type is a split node.
      a boolean indicating if this type is a split node.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • valueOf

      public static ProcessNodeType valueOf(String name)
      This method return the process node type for a specified name.
      name - The process node type name.
      The process node type, never null.
      IllegalArgumentException - Is thrown when the name does not match a process node type.