Class RuleDefinition

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RuleDefinition extends Object implements Serializable
This class contains the definition of a single custom business rule. The rule factory is used to locate the actual implementation of the rule.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • RuleDefinition Link icon

      public RuleDefinition(String name, String type, List<String> targetAttributes)
      Constructs the rule definition with the required arguments.
      name - The (unique) name of the rule.
      type - The type name of the rule (see RuleType).
      targetAttributes - A list containing the (full) names of the attributes the rule is defined for.
    • RuleDefinition Link icon

      public RuleDefinition(String name, String type, List<String> targetAttributes, List<String> ruleGroupNames)
      Constructs the rule definition with the required arguments.
      name - The (unique) name of the rule.
      type - The type name of the rule (see RuleType).
      targetAttributes - A list containing the (full) names of the attributes the rule is defined for.
      ruleGroupNames - List containing the names of the rule groups this rule belongs to.
    • RuleDefinition Link icon

      public RuleDefinition(String name, RuleType type, List<String> targetAttributes, List<String> ruleGroupNames)
      Constructs the rule definition with the required arguments.
      name - The (unique) name of the rule.
      type - The type of the rule.
      targetAttributes - A list containing the (full) names of the attributes the rule is defined for.
      ruleGroupNames - List containing the names of the rule groups this rule belongs to.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getName Link icon

      public String getName()
      This method returns the (unique) name of the rule.
      The (unique) name of the rule.
    • getRuleType Link icon

      public RuleType getRuleType()
      This method returns the type of the rule.
      The type of the rule.
    • getTargetAttributes Link icon

      public String[] getTargetAttributes()
      This method returns an array containing the (full) names of the attributes the rule is defined for.
      an array containing the (full) names of the attributes the rule is defined for.
    • getRuleGroupNames Link icon

      public String[] getRuleGroupNames()
      This method returns an array containing the names of the rule groups this rule belongs to.
      an array containing the names of the rule groups this rule belongs to.
    • getModuleNames Link icon

      public String[] getModuleNames()
      This method returns an array containing the names of the modules this rule is used by or null if the rule is used by all the modules.
      the names of the modules (can be null)
    • setModuleNames Link icon

      public void setModuleNames(String[] moduleNames)
      This method sets the names of the modules this rule is used by.
      moduleNames - the names of the modules this rule is used by.