Interface IAttributeDefinition

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public interface IAttributeDefinition extends Serializable
This interface defines the methods that can be used to request static information about an attribute.
O. Kerpershoek, F. v.d. Meer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the data type of the attribute.
    This method returns the domain definition of the attribute.
    This method returns the name of the entity that contains this attribute.
    This method return the full name of the attribute.
    This method return the functional name of the attribute.
    This method returns the unique identifier of the attribute, consisting of the entity in which the attribute is defined plus the attribute name, lowercased, e.g.
    This method returns the name of the attribute.
    Returns the reference definition of the attribute or null if this attribute is not a reference.
    This method returns an object containing information about the relation.
    This method indicates whether the attribute can be answered by a client.
    This method indicates whether the attribute may contain multiple values.
    Indicates that this attribute acts as a reference.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      This method returns the unique identifier of the attribute, consisting of the entity in which the attribute is defined plus the attribute name, lowercased, e.g. entity.attribute
      the unique identifier of the attribute.
    • getName

      String getName()
      This method returns the name of the attribute. The name of an attribute is unique within the entity where it is defined. For entities that have a super-type, the name will be unique within the complete entity structure. It is however possible that two entities that are not related contain an attribute with the same name.
      String containing the name of the attribute.
    • getEntityName

      String getEntityName()
      This method returns the name of the entity that contains this attribute.
      String containing the name of the entity that defines the attribute.
    • getFullName

      String getFullName()
      This method return the full name of the attribute. The full name consists of both the entity name and the attribute name separated with a dot.
      String with the full attribute name.
    • isMultiValue

      boolean isMultiValue()
      This method indicates whether the attribute may contain multiple values.
      boolean indicating whether the attribute may contain multiple values.
    • isAskable

      boolean isAskable()
      This method indicates whether the attribute can be answered by a client.
      boolean indicating whether the attribute can be answered by a client.
    • getDataType

      DataType getDataType()
      This method returns the data type of the attribute.
      DataType object indicating the type of the values for this attribute.
    • getRelation

      IRelationDefinition getRelation()
      This method returns an object containing information about the relation. The relation definition is only relevant for attributes of type Entity, as only those attributes can define a relation to another entity. For attributes that are not of the DataType Entity, this method will return a null value.
      IRelationDefinition containing information about the entity relation.
    • getDomain

      IDomainDefinition getDomain()
      This method returns the domain definition of the attribute. The value null will be returned for attributes that are not bound to any constraints. The returned domain is the static definition of the domain containing all possible values.
      Domain definition of the attribute, or null if not applicable.
    • getFunctionalName

      String getFunctionalName()
      This method return the functional name of the attribute.
      String with the functional attribute name.
    • isReference

      boolean isReference()
      Indicates that this attribute acts as a reference. If this method returns true, getReferenceDefinition() will return a non-null value.
      A boolean indicating that this attribute acts as a reference
    • getReferenceDefinition

      IReferenceDefinition getReferenceDefinition()
      Returns the reference definition of the attribute or null if this attribute is not a reference. Method isReference() should be used to check whether this attribute is a reference.
      The reference definition of the attribute