Interface IProcessTaskDS

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
XmlProcessTaskDS, XmlProcessTaskDS

public interface IProcessTaskDS extends IReportingDS
This interface is used to initialize a single process task definition.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details

    • getId

      GUID getId()
      This method should return the unique id of the process task.
      String containing the id of the process task.
    • getName

      String getName()
      This method returns the (unique) name of the task definition.
      the (unique) name of the task definition.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      This method returns a description of the process task definition.
      a description of the process task definition.
    • getDisplayName

      IMultilingualText getDisplayName()
      This method returns a text object containing the name that should be used for display purposes.
      a text object containing the name that should be used for display purposes.
    • getRoles

      String[] getRoles()
      This method returns an array containing the roles that allow a user to execute the task. If the method returns an empty array, than the task may be execute by anyone, regardless of role. A user wishing to execute the task should have at least one of the required roles.
      array containing the roles that allow a user to execute the task.
    • getAuthorizationAlgorithmName

      String getAuthorizationAlgorithmName()
      This method returns the name of the authorization algorithm to use. If no algorithm is specified the task may be executed by everyone.
      The name of the authorization algorithm, or null.
    • getRoutingAlgorithmName

      String getRoutingAlgorithmName()
      This method returns the name of the routing algorithm
      The name of the routing algorithm, or null
    • getPriorityAlgorithmName

      String getPriorityAlgorithmName()
      This method returns the name of the priority algorithm
      The name of the priority algorithm, or null
    • getExitStates

      TaskExit[] getExitStates()
      This method returns the possible exit states of the task. The abort task exit will always be available for a task, so this method only needs to return exit of the type cancel and continue.
      Array containing the possible exit states.
    • isAutomatic

      boolean isAutomatic()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the task is an automated task, and thus should be handled by the system in stead of a user.
      a boolean indicating if the task is an automated task.
    • getRetryCountExpression

      String getRetryCountExpression()
      This method returns the expression that should be evaluated for automatic tasks to determine the number of times the task should be retried in case of failure. When the method does not return a (valid) expression, the task will be executed once.
      Expression to determine the retry count for a failed automatic task.
    • getRetryInterval

      long getRetryInterval()
      This method returns the interval in minutes the automatic task should wait before a failed task should be attempted again.
      The interval in minutes between execution attempts of the automatic task.
    • getDueDate

      String getDueDate()
      Gets the expression that determines the date on which this task should be ended.
      Expression resulting in a date.
    • getReevaluationEvent

      ReevaluationEvent getReevaluationEvent()
      This method returns the reevaluation event
      The reevaluation event
    • getCustomFields

      IProcessTaskCustomFieldDS[] getCustomFields()
      Gets the custom fields set on this process task.
      Array of custom fields.