Class FlowEngineFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FlowEngineFactory extends Object implements IFlowEngineFactory
Factory class that may be used to create an instance of IFlowEngine.
Jon van Leuven
  • Field Details


      public static final String PROPERTY
      This define denotates the key that is used to locate a flow-engine factory implementation.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FlowEngineFactory

      public FlowEngineFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static IFlowEngineFactory getInstance()
      Get an instance of IFlowEngineFactory. If there is an implementation register via the ClassFactory (with key 'flowengine-factory'), an instance of this class is returned. Note: keep in mind that the instance returned is kept in a static member, so once this class is loaded always the same instance is returned.
      IFlowEngineFactory implementation
    • create

      public IFlowEngine create(INodeDetailsFactory nodeFactory, IParserFactory parserFactory, IFlowEngineDS datasource)
      Description copied from interface: IFlowEngineFactory
      This method creates a new flow engine using the specified node factory and data source. The node factory is optional, as the default factory will be used when a null value is supplied.
      Specified by:
      create in interface IFlowEngineFactory
      nodeFactory - The node factory that should be used to create nodes.
      parserFactory - The expression parser that should be used to parse expressions.
      datasource - The data source providing the flow information.
      Flow engine implementation for the specified data source.