Class Symbol

Direct Known Subclasses:
ComplexSymbolFactory.ComplexSymbol, ParserSymbol

public class Symbol extends Object
Defines the Symbol class, which is used to represent all terminals and nonterminals while parsing. The lexer should pass CUP Symbols and CUP returns a Symbol.
last updated: 7/3/96
  • Field Details

    • sym

      public int sym
      The symbol number of the terminal or non terminal being represented
    • parse_state

      public int parse_state
      The parse state to be recorded on the parse stack with this symbol. This field is for the convenience of the parser and shouldn't be modified except by the parser.
    • left

      public int left
      The data passed to parser
    • value

      public Object value
  • Constructor Details

    • Symbol

      public Symbol(int id, Symbol left, Symbol right, Object o)
    • Symbol

      public Symbol(int id, Symbol left, Symbol right)
    • Symbol

      public Symbol(int id, int l, int r, Object o)
      Constructor for l,r values
    • Symbol

      public Symbol(int id, Object o)
      Constructor for no l,r values
    • Symbol

      public Symbol(int id, int l, int r)
      Constructor for no value
    • Symbol

      public Symbol(int sym_num)
      Constructor for no value or l,r
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      Printing this token out. (Override for pretty-print).
      toString in class Object