Interface IProcessEngineBehavior

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ProcessEngine, ProcessEngineDelegate, ReadonlyProcessEngine

public interface IProcessEngineBehavior
  • Method Details

    • closeCase

      void closeCase(IUserData userData, long caseId)
      This method may be used to close an existing case and cancel all its tasks.
      userData - Object containing information about the current user.
      caseId - The ID of the case that should be closed.
      CloseProcessCaseException - This exception is thrown when the case could not be closed.
    • notifyEvent

      void notifyEvent(IMessageEvent messageEvent, IUserData user, IProcessCaseChangeListener listener)
      This method notifies the process engine about an event.
      messageEvent - The message event, may not be null.
      user - The user, may not be null.
      listener - A listener to trace the modified cases, may be null.
      InvalidMessageEventException - This exception is thrown in case of an invalid message event.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the event could not be processed.
    • notifyEvent

      void notifyEvent(IMessageEvent messageEvent, IUserData user, IProcessCaseChangeListener listener, Set<Long> specificCaseIds)
      This method notifies the process engine about an event.
      messageEvent - The message event, may not be null.
      user - The user, may not be null.
      listener - A listener to trace the modified cases, may be null.
      specificCaseIds - A set of case ids, may be null. If not null, only those cases are processed.
      InvalidMessageEventException - This exception is thrown in case of an invalid message event.
      AppException - This exception is thrown when the event could not be processed.
    • evaluateTimer

      void evaluateTimer(DateTimeValue currentTime)
      This method (re)evaluates all open timer tasks.
      currentTime - The current time.
    • reopenTask

      void reopenTask(long taskId)
      Reopens a task which is stuck in the started state. The case of the task is also opened if it is locked.
      taskId - the id of the task to be re-opened
      UnknownProcessCaseException - if the task is linked to an unknown case
      UnknownProcessTaskException - if a task with the given id is not found
      OpenProcessTaskException - if a node with the given id is found but it is not task, or its status is not started
      ProcessException - if any other error is encountered while reopening the task
    • reopenTask

      void reopenTask(long taskId, IUserData userData)
      Reopens a task which is stuck in the started state. The case of the task is also opened if it is locked.
      taskId - the id of the task to be re-opened
      userData - the data of the current user
      UnknownProcessCaseException - if the task is linked to an unknown case
      UnknownProcessTaskException - if a task with the given id is not found
      OpenProcessTaskException - if a node with the given id is found but it is not task, or its status is not started
      ProcessException - if any other error is encountered while reopening the task
    • replayMessageEvent

      long replayMessageEvent(long eventId, Long caseId)
      Replays (re-triggers) a message event.
      eventId - the id of the original message event which should be replayed
      caseId - the optional ID of the case in which the message event will be replayed (if null, the message event will be broadcast to all waiting cases)
      the id of the newly created event
      UnknownCaseEventException - if the message event with the given id could not be found
      UnknownProcessCaseException - if the process case in which the event should be replayed could not be found
      ReplayCaseEventException - if an error occurs during replay
    • replayMessageEvent

      long replayMessageEvent(long eventId, Long caseId, IUserData userData)
      Replays (re-triggers) a message event.
      eventId - the id of the original message event which should be replayed
      caseId - the optional ID of the case in which the message event will be replayed (if null, the message event will be broadcast to all waiting cases)
      userData - the data of the current user
      the id of the newly created event
      UnknownCaseEventException - if the message event with the given id could not be found
      UnknownProcessCaseException - if the process case in which the event should be replayed could not be found
      ReplayCaseEventException - if an error occurs during replay
    • replayTimerEvent

      long replayTimerEvent(long eventId)
      Replays (re-triggers) a timer event.
      eventId - the id of the original timer event which should be replayed
      the id of the newly created event
      UnknownCaseEventException - if the timer event with the given id could not be found
      ReplayCaseEventException - if an error occurs during replay
      UnknownProcessCaseException - if the process case in which the event should be replayed could not be found
    • replayTimerEvent

      long replayTimerEvent(long eventId, IUserData userData)
      Replays (re-triggers) a timer event.
      eventId - the id of the original timer event which should be replayed
      userData - the data of the current user
      the id of the newly created event
      UnknownCaseEventException - if the timer event with the given id could not be found
      ReplayCaseEventException - if an error occurs during replay
      UnknownProcessCaseException - if the process case in which the event should be replayed could not be found
    • cancelStartedTasks

      void cancelStartedTasks()
      This method may be used to cancel started tasks that were abandoned, for example due to an unexpected server shutdown