Class MatchEngineFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MatchEngineFactory extends Object implements IMatchEngineFactory
Factory class which knows how to construct a match engine.
F. van der Meer, O. Kerpershoek
  • Field Details


      public static final String PROPERTY
      This define denotes the key that is used to locate a match engine factory implementation.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MatchEngineFactory

      public MatchEngineFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static IMatchEngineFactory getInstance()
      Acquires an instance of IMatchEngineFactory. A different implementation can be registered to the ClassFactory by the PROPERTY constant within this class. Note: Once constructed the actual factory is statically cached. therefore once this class is loaded always the same instance is returned.
      The actual factory implementation.
    • create

      public IMatchEngine create(IMetaModel model, IMatchEngineDS matchEngineDS, IMatchTypeFactory matchTypeFactory, IResourceManager resources, ILicenseProvider licenseProvider)
      Description copied from interface: IMatchEngineFactory
      This method should create a new match engine using the provided arguments.
      Specified by:
      create in interface IMatchEngineFactory
      model - The meta model containing the application definition.
      matchEngineDS - The match engine data source used to initialize the match engine data.
      matchTypeFactory - The factory which knows all the custom match function which the match engine may use.
      resources - The resource manager that may be used by match functions to locate external resources.
      licenseProvider - The optional license provider that is used to check if match engine construction is allowed.
      A match engine instance