Interface ISystemMessagesHandler

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public interface ISystemMessagesHandler
  • Method Details

    • containsMessage

      boolean containsMessage(String id)
      This method will check if a message exists for the specified id. The id is not case sensitive.
      id - String containing the name (id)
      Boolean indicating if a message is defined for the specified id.
    • getMessage

      IMultilingualText getMessage(String id)
      This method returns the message object belonging to the specified id. When no message could be found for the given id an UnknownMessageException is thrown.
      id - Identifier of the message that is requested.
      Message object for the specified id.
    • getMessage

      IMultilingualText getMessage(String id, String... parameters)
      This method returns the message object belonging to the specified id. With parameters. these parameters are inserted in the message, when the message string contains {} expressions. For example: a message definition of test=Test message with 3 parameters namely: {0}, {1} and {2} will result in the expanded message. When no message could be found for the given id an UnknownMessageException is thrown.
      id - Identifier of the message that is requested.
      parameters - Array of parameter values that should be used in the message.
      Message object for the specified id.