Class CommunicationEngineHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
ICommunicationEngineHandler, ISystemMessagesHandler

public final class CommunicationEngineHandler extends Object implements ICommunicationEngineHandler
Internal communication engine handler to delegate calls to dynamic schema element with a portal engine context.
Jon van Leuven
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • composeElement

      public void composeElement(String customSchemaElement, InferenceContext profile, ICustomElementComposerContext composerContext)
      Description copied from interface: ICommunicationEngineHandler
      This method is called by the communication engine when a custom schema element is encountered and should be composed.
      Specified by:
      composeElement in interface ICommunicationEngineHandler
      customSchemaElement - The name of the custom schema element, never null.
      profile - The current profile context, never null
      composerContext - The custom element composer context that should be used to compose the custom element, never null
    • composeElement

      public DataValue composeElement(IElementReference customSchemaElement, InferenceContext profile)
      Description copied from interface: ICommunicationEngineHandler
      This method is called by the communication engine when a custom schema element is encountered and should be composed.
      Specified by:
      composeElement in interface ICommunicationEngineHandler
      customSchemaElement - - the IElementReference of the custom schema, never null
      profile - - The current profile context, never null
      the data value representing the composed custom schema element
    • getSerializer

      public IDataSerializer getSerializer(String mimeType)
      Description copied from interface: ICommunicationEngineHandler
      Returns a serializer for the specified mime type.
      Specified by:
      getSerializer in interface ICommunicationEngineHandler
      mimeType - The mime type to use, or null for the default serializer.
      The data serializer, returns null if no serializer is available for the mimeType.
    • getDefaultSerializerMimeType

      public String getDefaultSerializerMimeType()
      Description copied from interface: ICommunicationEngineHandler
      Returns the mime type used by the default serializer.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultSerializerMimeType in interface ICommunicationEngineHandler
      the mime type of the default serializer
    • containsMessage

      public boolean containsMessage(String id)
      Description copied from interface: ISystemMessagesHandler
      This method will check if a message exists for the specified id. The id is not case sensitive.
      Specified by:
      containsMessage in interface ISystemMessagesHandler
      id - String containing the name (id)
      Boolean indicating if a message is defined for the specified id.
    • getMessage

      public IMultilingualText getMessage(String id)
      Description copied from interface: ISystemMessagesHandler
      This method returns the message object belonging to the specified id. When no message could be found for the given id an UnknownMessageException is thrown.
      Specified by:
      getMessage in interface ISystemMessagesHandler
      id - Identifier of the message that is requested.
      Message object for the specified id.
    • getMessage

      public IMultilingualText getMessage(String id, String... parameters)
      Description copied from interface: ISystemMessagesHandler
      This method returns the message object belonging to the specified id. With parameters. these parameters are inserted in the message, when the message string contains {} expressions. For example: a message definition of test=Test message with 3 parameters namely: {0}, {1} and {2} will result in the expanded message. When no message could be found for the given id an UnknownMessageException is thrown.
      Specified by:
      getMessage in interface ISystemMessagesHandler
      id - Identifier of the message that is requested.
      parameters - Array of parameter values that should be used in the message.
      Message object for the specified id.