Class ExtXmlRampDS

All Implemented Interfaces:
IReportingDS, IRampDS

public class ExtXmlRampDS extends ReportingDS implements IRampDS
Ramp data source implementation for custom match engine XML configuration.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: IRampDS
      This method returns the (unique) name of the match function.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface IRampDS
      the (unique) name of the match function.
    • isNumberRamp

      public boolean isNumberRamp()
      Description copied from interface: IRampDS
      This method returns a boolean indicating if this ramp match function will be used to match numbers of date values.
      Specified by:
      isNumberRamp in interface IRampDS
      Boolean indicating if the ramp will be used to match numbers.
    • getLowerPartial

      public double getLowerPartial()
      Description copied from interface: IRampDS

      This method returns the lower partial of the ramp definition. A lower range means the left side of the ramp definition which gives a 100 percent match. While a partial means the position where the ramp gives a zero percent match.

      The lower part of the ramp is where the values are lower then the norm value. Whereas the higher part of the ramp has the higher values.

      See also: Otherwise a percentage value see IRampDS.isAbsoluteRamp()

      • a = lower-partial
      • b = lower-range
      • c = upper-range
      • d = upper-partial
                 /      |      \
              0-100%    |     100-0%
       -Inf   /       norm        \              +Inf
      Specified by:
      getLowerPartial in interface IRampDS
      The absolute or percentage distance between the norm value. Therefore the returned value cannot be negative.
    • getLowerRange

      public double getLowerRange()
      Description copied from interface: IRampDS

      This method returns the lower range of the ramp definition. A lower range means the left side of the ramp definition which gives a 100 percent match. While a partial means the position where the ramp gives a zero percent match.

      The lower part of the ramp is where the values are lower then the norm value. Whereas the higher part of the ramp has the higher values.

      See also: Otherwise a percentage value see IRampDS.isAbsoluteRamp()

      • a = lower-partial
      • b = lower-range
      • c = upper-range
      • d = upper-partial
                 /      |      \
              0-100%    |     100-0%
       -Inf   /       norm        \              +Inf
      Specified by:
      getLowerRange in interface IRampDS
      The absolute or percentage distance between the norm value. Therefore the returned value cannot be negative.
    • getUpperPartial

      public double getUpperPartial()
      Description copied from interface: IRampDS

      This method returns the upper partial of the ramp definition. A lower range means the left side of the ramp definition which gives a 100 percent match. While a partial means the position where the ramp gives a zero percent match.

      The lower part of the ramp is where the values are lower then the norm value. Whereas the higher part of the ramp has the higher values.

      See also: Otherwise a percentage value see IRampDS.isAbsoluteRamp()

      • a = lower-partial
      • b = lower-range
      • c = upper-range
      • d = upper-partial
                 /      |      \
              0-100%    |     100-0%
       -Inf   /       norm        \              +Inf
      Specified by:
      getUpperPartial in interface IRampDS
      The absolute or percentage distance between the norm value. Therefore the returned value cannot be negative.
    • getUpperRange

      public double getUpperRange()
      Description copied from interface: IRampDS

      This method returns the upper range of the ramp definition. A lower range means the left side of the ramp definition which gives a 100 percent match. While a partial means the position where the ramp gives a zero percent match.

      The lower part of the ramp is where the values are lower then the norm value. Whereas the higher part of the ramp has the higher values.

      See also: Otherwise a percentage value see IRampDS.isAbsoluteRamp()

      • a = lower-partial
      • b = lower-range
      • c = upper-range
      • d = upper-partial
                 /      |      \
              0-100%    |     100-0%
       -Inf   /       norm        \              +Inf
      Specified by:
      getUpperRange in interface IRampDS
      The absolute or percentage distance between the norm value. Therefore the returned value cannot be negative.
    • isAbsoluteRamp

      public boolean isAbsoluteRamp()
      Description copied from interface: IRampDS
      The absolute flag indicates how the partial and range numbers should be interpreted. An absolute ramp will simply use the numbers as is to calculate the ramp. A percentage ramp, will interpret the values as a percentage, and multiply them with base value to determine the shape of the ramp.
      Specified by:
      isAbsoluteRamp in interface IRampDS
      boolean flag, true means absolute, false means percentage.
    • isLeftOnlyRamp

      public boolean isLeftOnlyRamp()
      Description copied from interface: IRampDS
      The left-only flag indicates whether only the left slope of the ramp exists. A ramp with only a left slope will have a top area that extends Indefinitely to the right side.
      Note: Only one of the left/right-only methods may return true. Both true would mean a 'ramp' with an infinite top area.
      Specified by:
      isLeftOnlyRamp in interface IRampDS
      boolean flag indicating whether only the left side has a slope.
    • isRightOnlyRamp

      public boolean isRightOnlyRamp()
      Description copied from interface: IRampDS
      See left-only for some documentation.
      Note: Only one of the left/right-only methods may return true. Both true would mean a 'ramp' with an infinite top area.
      Specified by:
      isRightOnlyRamp in interface IRampDS
      boolean flag indicating whether only the right side has a slope.