All Implemented Interfaces:
IDisposableScope, IPageScope, IPortalMessageScope, IPortalScope, Serializable

public class PageScope extends PortalMessageScope implements IPageScope
This class implements the IPageScope interface and is used to store page specific attributes.
O. Kerpershoek
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PageScope

      public PageScope()
      Default constructor for the page scope. This constructor is mainly used when restoring a session.
    • PageScope

      public PageScope(PageScope parent)
      Constructs the page scope with a parent page scope.
      parent - The parent page scope.
  • Method Details

    • addChangedField

      public void addChangedField(ValueReference reference, IValue previousValue)
    • isChangedValue

      public boolean isChangedValue(ValueReference reference)
      Description copied from interface: IPageScope
      This method may be used to check if a specific value has been updated by an event from the current page.
      Specified by:
      isChangedValue in interface IPageScope
      reference - Reference to the value that might have been updated.
      Boolean indicating if the value was updated by an event from the current page.
    • getChangedValues

      public ValueReference[] getChangedValues()
      Description copied from interface: IPageScope
      This method will return an array containing the references to all the values that were changed by fields from the current page. The array will contain the references to values from the current event, but also the references to the values that were changed by previous refresh actions.
      Specified by:
      getChangedValues in interface IPageScope
      an array containing the references to all the values that were changed by fields from the current page.
    • getOriginalValue

      public IValue getOriginalValue(ValueReference reference)
      Description copied from interface: IPageScope
      This method returns the value of the attribute as it was before the value got changed by the page event. If the value did not get changed by the page event, the method will return a null value. If the value got changed multiple times by subsequent refresh events, the method will still return the value as it was before the page was shown. Intermediate values from subsequent page refreshes are lost.
      Specified by:
      getOriginalValue in interface IPageScope
      reference - The reference to the attribute whose value is requested before it was modified by the page event.
      The value of the attribute as it was before the value got changed by the page event.
    • getType

      public PortalScopeType getType()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalScope
      This method will return the scope type of the portal scope implementation.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface IPortalScope
      The current scope type.