Interface IPageScope

All Superinterfaces:
IDisposableScope, IPortalMessageScope, IPortalScope, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConcurrentPageScope, PageScope, PageScopeDelegate

public interface IPageScope extends IPortalMessageScope, IDisposableScope
The portal engine holds and constructs page scopes and passes these to services and container methods. This object's life time is for only one page. When a refresh or a submit to the same page occurs this object will retain it's properties. When a flow to new page occurs the portal engine creates a new page scope.
F. van der Meer, O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Details Link icon

    • isChangedValue Link icon

      boolean isChangedValue(ValueReference reference)
      This method may be used to check if a specific value has been updated by an event from the current page.
      reference - Reference to the value that might have been updated.
      Boolean indicating if the value was updated by an event from the current page.
    • getChangedValues Link icon

      ValueReference[] getChangedValues()
      This method will return an array containing the references to all the values that were changed by fields from the current page. The array will contain the references to values from the current event, but also the references to the values that were changed by previous refresh actions.
      an array containing the references to all the values that were changed by fields from the current page.
    • getOriginalValue Link icon

      IValue getOriginalValue(ValueReference reference)
      This method returns the value of the attribute as it was before the value got changed by the page event. If the value did not get changed by the page event, the method will return a null value. If the value got changed multiple times by subsequent refresh events, the method will still return the value as it was before the page was shown. Intermediate values from subsequent page refreshes are lost.
      reference - The reference to the attribute whose value is requested before it was modified by the page event.
      The value of the attribute as it was before the value got changed by the page event.