Class XmlPortalEngineDS

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XmlPortalEngineDS extends Object implements IPortalEngineDS
Portal engine data source for release 17 Zip files.
  • Constructor Details

    • XmlPortalEngineDS

      public XmlPortalEngineDS(IAquimaConfiguration aquimaConfiguration)
      Constructs the XML data-source with the resource manager that should be used to gather the XML files.
      aquimaConfiguration - Configuration object that may be used to override default settings.
  • Method Details

    • setFolder

      public void setFolder(String folder)
      This method needs to be invoked with the folder of export files before the datasource can be used.

      Node: sub folders are also scanned recursively for export files.

      folder - the root folder that contains the export files.
    • setFiles

      public void setFiles(String[] files)
    • getDefaultFactoryManager

      public IFactoryManager getDefaultFactoryManager()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method should return the default factory manager for the portal engine (required).
      Specified by:
      getDefaultFactoryManager in interface IPortalEngineDS
      the default factory manager for the portal engine (required).
    • getDefaultResourceManager

      public IResourceManager getDefaultResourceManager()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method should return the default resource manager for the portal engine (required).
      Specified by:
      getDefaultResourceManager in interface IPortalEngineDS
      the default resource manager for the portal engine (required).
    • getProjectLoader

      public IApplicationDS getProjectLoader(ApplicationID id, IInitializationReport report)
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method provides the data-source for the specified project.
      Specified by:
      getProjectLoader in interface IPortalEngineDS
      id - An identifier of the project for which the data-source is requested.
      report - The report that should be used to add initialization messages to.
      a new data-source that can provide the data needed to initialize an application.
    • getTimer

      public ITimer getTimer()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method should return a time implementation to act on timed events.
      Specified by:
      getTimer in interface IPortalEngineDS
      the timer implementation (required).
    • getUserScopeDao

      public IUserScopeDao getUserScopeDao()
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method returns the user scope dao that is responsible for storing user specific data across applications and sessions
      Specified by:
      getUserScopeDao in interface IPortalEngineDS
      The user scope dao, may not be null
    • iterateApplications

      public void iterateApplications(IApplicationVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: IPortalEngineDS
      This method should invoke the visitor for each application that this data-source can provide.
      Specified by:
      iterateApplications in interface IPortalEngineDS
      visitor - Application visitor that can be used to add the available applications to.