Interface IFieldValidation

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public interface IFieldValidation extends Serializable
This interface defines the methods of a validator for field values. The composers only defines validator types, the actual validation is not done by the composer.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the message that should be shown in case the validation fails.
    This method returns the message Id that should be shown in case the validation fails.
    This method returns an array containing the parameter names for which a parameter value is defined.
    This method returns the value for the specified parameter name.
    This method returns the type name of the validator that should be used for the field.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the validation is blocking is not successful.
    This method returns a boolean indicating if the validation may be considered a fatal error, and further validation of the value is not needed.
  • Method Details

    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName()
      This method returns the type name of the validator that should be used for the field.
      The type name of the validator.
    • isBlocking

      boolean isBlocking()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the validation is blocking is not successful.
      boolean indicating if the validation is blocking is not successful.
    • isEssential

      boolean isEssential()
      This method returns a boolean indicating if the validation may be considered a fatal error, and further validation of the value is not needed.
      Boolean indicating that the validation is essential and must succeed for any further validation to be useful.
    • getParameterNames

      String[] getParameterNames()
      This method returns an array containing the parameter names for which a parameter value is defined.
      array containing the parameter names for which a parameter value is defined.
    • getParameterValue

      String getParameterValue(String key)
      This method returns the value for the specified parameter name. If there is no value specified for the parameter, a null value is returned.
      key - The name of the parameter for which the value is requested.
      The value for the specified parameter.
    • getMessage

      IMultilingualText getMessage()
      This method returns the message that should be shown in case the validation fails.
      The message that should be shown in case the validation fails.
    • getMessageId

      String getMessageId()
      This method returns the message Id that should be shown in case the validation fails.
      The message id that should be shown in case the validation fails.