Interface ICase

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public interface ICase extends IMatchValue
This interface defines the methods for a single case from a casebase.
O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns a unique ID for the case.
    This method returns the value of the case for the key field of the casebase.
    This method returns an array containing all the values of the case that can be matched.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      This method returns a unique ID for the case. The ID of the case is used to identify the case in the match result.
      A unique ID for the case (never null).
    • getKeyValue

      ISingleValue getKeyValue()
      This method returns the value of the case for the key field of the casebase. Only single-valued attributes can be used as key field.
      the key field value of the case.
    • getValues

      IMatchValue[] getValues()
      This method returns an array containing all the values of the case that can be matched. The values are returned in the exact same order as the match functions defined for the casebase.

      Important note: This ordering of the output array is a design v.s. optimization issue which has favored to the optimization side. Since a casebase consisting of 1,000,000 cases matching over 20 attributes per case will result in 20 million hash map lookups. Since the order is known from the clients point of view one can access this array directly resulting in a much faster process.

      an array containing all the values of the case that can be matched.