Class ListConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CaseListConfiguration, InstanceListConfiguration, WorkListConfiguration

public abstract class ListConfiguration extends Object implements Serializable
Class to remember the state of the list.
Nicky van Noorloos
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ListConfiguration

      protected ListConfiguration(SortingState sortingState, PagingState pagingState)
      Constructs a new ListState.
      sortingState - the list sorting state
      pagingState - the list paging state
  • Method Details

    • getPagingState

      public PagingState getPagingState()
    • getSortingState

      public SortingState getSortingState()
    • isLimited

      public boolean isLimited()
      Checks whether the total number of pages should be limited. This is not the same as saying a limit is defined. A limit may be defined but not applied, if the user chooses to show all results.
      true if the list should be limited, false otherwise
    • setLimited

      public void setLimited(boolean isLimited)
      Sets whether total number of pages should be limited. This is not the same as saying a limit is defined. A limit may be defined, but the user may choose to show all results
      isLimited - whether total number of pages should be limited
    • setJsonSearch

      public void setJsonSearch(String value)
      Sets the JSON search value.

      The JSON value is set on the global search field after every request, in order to maintain the search state of the list. See CaseViewFilterBuilder, TaskViewFilterBuilder and related classes for more details about the JSON search string.

      value - a JSON string
    • getJsonSearch

      public String getJsonSearch()
      Returns the JSON search value.
      the JSON search value