Interface IParseNode

All Known Implementing Classes:
AllNode, BinoptNode, CollectNode, ConstexprNode, DeprecatedNode, ExprListNode, ExprNode, FieldVariableNode, FunctionNode, GroupingNode, IdentifierNode, InstanceOfNode, InverseNode, ListopNode, LocalVariableNode, NamedVariableNode, NotNode, ParseNodeBase, PredicateNode, StringNode, TemplateNode, TypeOfNode, UnknownNode, UnpackNode, VariableNode

public interface IParseNode
Base interface for all nodes in an expression parse tree.
F. van der Meer, O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This method returns the end position, in the original expression, associated with this (sub) expression node.
    This method returns the start position, in the original expression, associated with this (sub) expression node.
  • Method Details

    • getPosition

      Position getPosition()
      This method returns the start position, in the original expression, associated with this (sub) expression node.
      The start position, in the original expression, associated with this (sub) expression node.
    • getEndPosition

      Position getEndPosition()
      This method returns the end position, in the original expression, associated with this (sub) expression node.
      The end position, in the original expression, associated with this (sub) expression node.