Interface IDataRuleDefinition

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IDataRuleDefinition
This interface describes a datarule definition. A datarule definition contains rule information and a reference to connection.
Jon van Leuven
  • Method Details

    • getConnectionName

      String getConnectionName()
      This method returns the connection name if the datarule has one.
      The name of the connection this datarule uses, may be null.
    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName()
      This method returns the type of data rule.
      The datarule type, never null.
    • getConditions

      IConditionDefinition[] getConditions()
      This method returns the conditions for this data rule.
      The condition definitions, never null, but may be an empty array.
    • getTargets

      ITargetDefinition[] getTargets()
      This method returns the targets for this data rule.
      The target definitions, never null, but may be an empty array.
    • getName

      String getName()
      This method returns the unique name for the data rule.
      the unique name for the data rule.
    • getRuleGroupNames

      String[] getRuleGroupNames()
      This method returns an array containing the names of the rule groups this rule belongs to. If the rule does not belong to a specific rule group, the returned value may either be null or an empty array. Rules that belong to a rule group will only be evaluated when one (or more) of the rule groups are active. Rule groups are sometimes referred to as rule clusters.
      an array containing the names of the rule groups this rule belongs to.
    • getJustificationInfo

      JustificationInfo getJustificationInfo()
      This method returns an optimized object containing all the justifications of the rule.
      an optimized object containing all the justifications of the rule.