Class UnknownCaseException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UnknownCaseException extends AppException
This exception is used to indicate a case could not be located.
O. Kerpershoek, F. van der Meer
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • UnknownCaseException Link icon

      public UnknownCaseException(String entityType, String caseName)
      Constructs the exception with the entity type and name of the case that could not be located.
      entityType - The entity type of the case that could not be located.
      caseName - The name of the case that could not be located.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getEntityType Link icon

      public String getEntityType()
      this method returns the entity type of the case that could not be located.
      The entity type of the case that could not be located.
    • getCaseName Link icon

      public String getCaseName()
      This method returns the name of the case that could not be located.
      the name of the case that could not be located.