Interface IParseListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultParseListener, MessageReporter, NullParseListener, ReportingParseListener, TSLParseListener

public interface IParseListener
Listener interface for objects that wish to be notified of warnings and errors that are detected during the parse of an expression.
F. van der Meer, O. Kerpershoek
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    report(int startPosition, int endPosition, ErrorMessage message, Severity severity)
    This method is invoked by the parser when a problem is detected during the parse of an expression.
  • Method Details

    • report

      void report(int startPosition, int endPosition, ErrorMessage message, Severity severity)
      This method is invoked by the parser when a problem is detected during the parse of an expression.
      startPosition - The start position in the expression where the warning was detected.
      endPosition - The end position in the expression of the part that generated the warning.
      message - Object containing the details of the warning that was detected.
      severity - The severity of the problem that was detected.